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Family Studio Portraits

David Barron has sent in these classic studio portraits, in the hope that someone can provide some information that might lead to identification of exactly who the subjects are, and when they were taken.

Studio Portrait

David believes that the photographers' subjects are all family ancestors - members of the Magson family.

There are various aspects of these images that we could look at, such as the clothing that they wore - can anyone identify the period they were taken from the style of their attire?

Or maybe the studio names hold some significance? This first portrait on the left was taken by a photographer known as "Horace Gurr", in Hood Street, Coventry.

Studio Portrait

This next image was captured by Ward in Broadgate, and labelled a "Maule Photo". Does anyone know when these studios were in operation? Any clues will be gratefully received. To me, this looks like an older picture, possibly late Victorian?

The last of these (below) is a family portrait, and David is certain that the young chap above is the same person standing at the back of the family group. My guess would be some time around the turn of the century, but does anyone know more....?

He has other photos, too, and if it's of any help, among them were photos by the "London and Coventry Photo Co." and "Hadlow Studio". I can find none of these listed in the Warwickshire Business Directory of 1914 - does this indicate that they're all earlier than this?

Update 25th March 2021: I'm pleased to say that Steven Larkin has contacted me to give us a name for this priest in the second photograph. He was William Henry Charles Palmer, born 1864, and died of a seizure in 1910 while giving a service at Warwick Road Congregational Church. More information about the priest can be found in 'year books' at Coventry archives, under Warwick Road Congregational Church. Many thanks for this Steven.

The Magson family

Once again, Vic Terry has supplied some sterling information that helps us on our way. Over several years Vic has compiled various lists relating to Coventry, and now he wishes to share his findings to help solve the photographic conundrums on this page.

H. Gurr 1896-9815 Hood Street
Maule & Co 1896-191227 Hertford Street
L. Ward 1911-1252 Smithford Street
Ward Studios 1912-2052 Smithford Street
Thos Hadlow 1903-515 Hood Street (Late Mentor & Co)
Thos Hadlow 1907Norton Street
London & Coventry 1893Studio: 1 Norton St (Late Dew & Co) - Photographic 1905 Jesson Street

As we can deduce, the first photograph, by Horace Gurr, can now be conveniently narrowed down to a short period between 1896 and 1898. All the photos, in fact, appear to have been taken within a few years of the turn of the century.
Thanks again Vic for your help!

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