285 books listed:
Book title | Author | Year first published | Comments |
1001 Questions and Answers on the History of Coventry & its People | John Ashby | 1995 | |
101 Views of Coventry, Rugby, Leamington, Kenilworth, Warwick and District | W. H. Smith | 1910 | (Date is approximate.) |
111 Places in Coventry that you Shouldn't Miss | Rob Ganley | 2021 | |
The 14th November 1940 A-Z | Grace Bullingham | 2024 | A tribute to the victims of Coventry's blitz. |
A-Z of Coventry | David McGrory | 2018 | Places - People - History. |
Adrian's War | Adrian Marsden-Jones M.I. Biology | 2007 | A personal account of evacuation during WW2. |
Against All Odds | The Women's Research Group | 2011 | Women of the 20th century who made an impact on Coventry's history. |
Air Raid | Norman Longmate | 1976 | The Bombing of Coventry, 1940. |
Albert Fearn, Blitz Hero | Albert Fearn | 1996 | One man's moving story in his own words. A Coventry Telegraph publication. |
The Album of Coventry and Neighourood | 1900 | A series of 25 fine drawings of Coventry and Warwickshire. (Date is approximate.) | |
The Ancient Records of Coventry | Mary Dormer Harris | 1924 | Dugdale Society Occasional Papers - No. 1. |
Anglo Saxon Coventry and its Churches | Steven Bassett | 2001 | Dugdale Society Occasional Papers - No. 41. |
Antiquarian Losses in Coventry during a century and a half | W. G. Fretton, F.S.A. | 1879 | 10 pages covering the talk given by Fretton on the 21st May 1879, disbound from the "Journal of the British Archaeological Association" published in 1880. |
The Antiquities of Warwickshire, Vol I & II | Sir William Dugdale | 1970 | A facsimile of the second edition published by Osborn and Longman in 1730. In two volumes. |
The Archaeology of the Medieval Cathedral and Priory of St. Mary, Coventry | Margaret Rylatt & Paul Mason | 2003 | |
The Arts & Windows in Coventry Cathedral | Coventry Cathedral Council | 1963 | |
The Autobiography of an Eccentric Comedian | T. E. Dunville | 1911 | |
Bablake: 100 Years | Peter Burden | 1990 | Booklet of Bablake related stories from its first 100 years. |
The Beatles: Sent to Coventry | Pete Chambers | 2006 | |
Biggin Hall Hotel, Stoke Coventry | 1923 | Including some history by T. F. Tickner, F.R.I.B.A., Architect. | |
The Blitzed City: The Destruction of Coventry, 1940 | Karen Farrington | 2015 | |
Bloody British History: Coventry | David McGrory | 2013 | |
A Brief Social History of Brownshill Green, Coventry | John Ashby | 2023 | |
Britain in Old Photographs: Around Coventry | David McGrory | 1991 | |
Britain in Old Photographs: Coventry | David McGrory | 1994 | |
The Case of the Painted Bicycle Lamp | Adam Wood | 2022 | Coventry's unsolved double Stoke Park murder of 1906. |
Cast in the Same Mould | Libraries, Arts and Museum Department | 1979 | The Origin and History of Coventry School of Art, 1834 - 1895. |
The Cathedral Church of St. Michael, Coventry | Unknown | 1962 | A 16 page booklet reprinted from 'The Builder' newspaper. |
Cathedral Reborn | English Counties Periodicals Ltd. | 1962 | A souvenir publication to commemorate the Reconstruction and Consecration of Coventry Cathedral. |
A Century of Coventry | David McGrory | 1999 | |
A Century of Coventry Cars | Barry Littlewood and Gillian Bardsley | 1988 | A City of Coventry publication. |
The Character of Coventry | John Ashby | 2001 | A reflection of well known characters and a history of the City's inns and taverns. |
Children's History of Coventry | Ann Evans | 2011 | |
The Churches of Coventry | Frederick W. Woodhouse | 1909 | Plus a short History of the City and its Medieval Remains, with Plans and Illustrations. |
City of Coventry Archaeology & Development | Margaret Rylatt | 1977 | Historical background by Eileen & Arthur Gooder. |
City of Coventry Official Guide | Coventry City Council | 1983 | |
City of Coventry Review Plan 1966 | Coventry City Council | 1967 | Analysis and written statement. |
The City of Coventry: Images from the Past | David McGrory | 1996 | |
City of Coventry: Structure Plan 1973 | Coventry City Council | 1973 | |
The City we Loved | Coventry Corporation | 1942 | Three different publications: 1942 1st edition; 1942 expanded 'trade' edition; 1948 enlarged edition, including future plans, commemorating the visit of HRH Princess Elizabeth on 22nd May 1948. |
A Concise History of The Bishopric, The Collegiate Church of St. Michael | Alfred J. Brookes | 1910 | And The City of Coventry, with photographs and map of the City. |
Conservation Areas One, Two and Three | Terence Gregory, F.R.I.B.A., F.R.I.C.S., M.T.P.I, City Architect and Planning Officer | 1968 | Allesley, Kenilworth Road and Stoke Green areas. |
Coventry and its People in the 1520s | Mary H. M. Hulton M.A. Ph.D | 1999 | The Dugdale Society. |
Coventry and its Story | Rev. Canon J. Howard B. Masterman, M.A. | 1914 | |
Coventry and the Great War | David McGrory | 2016 | |
Coventry Apprentices and their Masters 1781-1806 | Joan Lane M.A., Ph.D. | 1983 | Printed for the Dugdale Society. |
Coventry as it was | Virginia Gilbert | 1973 | A collection of photographs. |
Coventry At War | David McGrory | 1997 | Part of the 'Britain in Old Photographs' series. |
Coventry At War: A Pictorial Account 1939-45 | Alton Douglas | 1983 | |
Coventry between the Wars | Coventry City Council | 1988 | Photographs by Arnold Stringer, 1893 - 1988. |
Coventry Cameos | Eric B. Bramwell | 1977 | First published 1961. |
Coventry Car Factories: A Centenary Guide | City Planning Services | 1996 | 14 page booklet. |
Coventry Cathedral | John Thomas | 1987 | The development and history of Coventry's three cathedrals. |
Coventry Cathedral | H. C. N. Williams | 1966 | A guide to Coventry Cathedral and its Ministry. (Hardback.) |
Coventry Cathedral Chronicle | Friends of Coventry Cathedral | 1956 | Issue 10, 1956. |
Coventry Cathedral: After the Flames | Jarrold Publishing | 1987 | |
Coventry City Charters | A. A. Dibben | 1969 | The Coventry papers: No. 2. |
Coventry City Police: A Brief History | West Midlands Police Museum | 2021 | |
Coventry City, The Elite Era - A Complete Record | Jim Brown | 1998 | |
Coventry Civic Chest 1952 | Corporation of Coventry | 1952 | |
Coventry Civic Chest 1955 | Corporation of Coventry | 1952 | |
Coventry Corporation Transport | Paul Gray | 1978 | |
The Coventry Corpus Christi Plays | Hardin Craig | 1957 | Second edition; first printed 1902 for The Eary English Text Society. |
The Coventry Cross 1976 | Virginia Gilbert, A.L.A. | 1976 | Including a brief history of the original Cross. |
Coventry Frame by Frame | Coventry Telegraph | 2013 | |
The Coventry Guide | John Merridew | 1824 | Containing a Concise account of the Ancient History of the City. (Possibly written by Thomas Sharp.) |
Coventry Illustrated Souvenir | H. L. Deere-Jones | 1946 | A series of historical notes together with an old view of the city in 1761 and an old map dated 1656. |
Coventry in 50 Buildings | David McGrory | 2017 | |
Coventry In Camera | John H. Drew & Andrew J. Mealey | 1985 | A selection of photos with descriptions, mainly from the 1860s. |
Coventry in Crisis 1858 - 1863 | Peter Searby | 1977 | The decline of Coventry's Ribbon trade. |
Coventry in the 1930s & 40s | Deborah Keene | 1988 | A selection of photographs selected by the author with descriptive comments. |
Coventry Leet Book Volumes I, II, III & IV | Mary Dormer Harris | 1913 | Original 1907-1913 Leet Transcriptions covering the years 1420 to 1555. |
Coventry Local History Bulletins, Issue 2 to 7 | City of Coventry Leisure Services | 1984/85 | |
Coventry Memories | Sponsored by Jaguar Cars | 2001 | |
Coventry Old and New | E. B. Newbold | 1974 | |
Coventry on Old Picture Postcards | Mike Cremin | 2001 | |
Coventry Past and Passing | A. E. Feltham | 1927 | Being a pictorial record of changes during the last century with short explanatory notes by Dr. V. Wyatt Wingrave. Subscriber copy No. 177. |
Coventry Past and Present | David McGrory | 2001 | |
Coventry Picture Palaces | Gil Robottom | 2009 | |
Coventry Produces... | The Coventry Chamber of Commerce | 1951 | Written in Englich, French and Spanish. |
Coventry Remembered | Frederick A. Weston | 1968 | An anthology of memoirs contributed by the Association of Coventrians. |
Coventry Through The Ages | D. J. H. Smith (Compiled by) | 1969 | Some descriptions of the city c.1540 to 1868. |
Coventry Transport 1884-1940 | Roger Bailey | 2006 | |
Coventry Transport 1884-1940 | A. S. Denton and F. P. Groves | 1985 | |
Coventry Transport 1912-1974 | T. Meffen | 1974 | A commemorative brochure. |
Coventry Under Fire | G. W. Clitheroe, Vicar of Holy Trinity | 1942 | 2nd Edition, enlargement of 1941 1st edition. |
The Coventry We Have Lost | David Fry & Albert Smith | 1991 | |
The Coventry We Have Lost, volume 2 | David Fry & Albert Smith | 1993 | |
Coventry's Bicycle Heritage | Damien Kimberley | 2015 | |
Coventry's Blitz | Coventry Evening Telegraph | 1990 | Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Blitz. |
Coventry's Blitz | David McGrory | 2015 | |
Coventry's Civil War 1642 - 1660 | Trevor John | 1994 | Pamphlet No. 20 in the 'Coventry and County Heritage' Series. |
Coventry's First Cathedral | George Demidowicz (Editor) | 1994 | Essays from the 1993 Anniversary Symposium. |
Coventry's Forgotten Theatre | Ted Bottle | 2004 | The Theatre Royal & Empire. |
Coventry's Heritage | Levi Fox | 1957 | Enlargement of earlier 1947 book. |
Coventry's Military Heritage | David McGrory | 2019 | |
Coventry's Story | Coventry City Libraries | 1960 | Prefaced with a short outline by Alice Lynes, F.L.A. |
Coventry's Town Wall | Eileen Gooder | 1971 | Coventry & Warwickshire Pamphlet No. 4 - Revised and Enlarged 2nd Edition. |
Coventry, a Guide and Memento | A. Mitchell Smith | 1906 | |
Coventry, Thursday, 14th November 1940 | Frederick Taylor | 2015 | |
Coventry: A Century of News | Alton Douglas | 1991 | A Coventry Evening Telegraph publication. |
Coventry: A Geographical Study | Members of the Geographical Association | 1964 | |
Coventry: A History & Celebration | David McGrory | 2004 | Part of the Francis Frith Collection. |
Coventry: Excavations on the Town Wall 1976-78 | John Bateman and Mark Redknap | 1986 | |
Coventry: Hidden in Plain Sight | Clare Selley | 2009 | |
Coventry: History and Guide | David McGrory | 1993 | |
Coventry: Its History and Antiquities | Benjamin Poole | 1869 | From Authentic Publications, Ancient Manuscripts and Charters, Corporation Records, Original Contributions, etc. Illustrated by W. F. Taunton. |
Coventry: Its Mediaeval Interest | C. J. Ribton-Turner | 1930 | Booklet containing Section V of "Shakespeare's Land" by the listed author. (Date approximate.) |
Coventry: Past into Present | Kenneth Richardson | 1987 | |
Coventry: Remembering 1914-18 | Peter Walters | 2016 | Part of the 'Great War Britain' series. |
Coventry: Six Hundred Years of Municipal Life | Frederick Smith B.A. F.G.S. | 1945 | |
Coventry: The Ancient City with the Modern Outlook | Coventry Corporation | 1938 | 14 page guide book. |
Coventry: The Hidden History | Iain Soden | 2005 | |
Coventry: The Making of a Modern City 1939-73 | Jeremy Gould, Caroline Gould | 2016 | (Subtitled: Informed Conservation.) |
Coventry: The Official Guide | Angharad Lynch | 2000 | Coventry City Council publication. |
Coventry: The Tradition of Change and Continuity | Coventry Corporation | 1966 | |
Coventry: Then & Now (In Colour) | David McGrory | 2011 | |
The Crowning of the King and Queen | Stephen King-Hall for Coventry City Council | 1937 | To the Boys and Girls of Coventry - The Coronation of King George VI, 12th May 1937. |
Directory of Coventry Manufacturers 1936 - 1937 | Coventry Corporation, Development Section | 1936 | |
Dirty Stop Out's Guide to 1970s Coventry | Ruth Cherrington | 2017 | |
Dirty Stop Out's Guide to 1970s Coventry - 2 Tone edition | Ruth Cherrington | 2023 | Revised and expanded special edition. |
Dirty Stop Out's Guide to 1980s Coventry | Ruth Cherrington | 2018 | |
Dirty Stop Out's Guide to Coventry's Working Men's Clubs | Ruth Cherrington | 2020 | |
Do You Know Coventry? | John Ashby | 1984 | Questions and Answers on Coventry and Coventrians over the years. |
Don't Trudge it, Rudge it! | Bryan Reynolds | 1977 | The story of Rudge-Whitworth, cycle and motorcycle manufacturer. |
Dr. Troughton's Sketches of Old Coventry | Mary Dormer Harris | 1906 | Sketches by Dr. Nathaniel Troughton, Descriptive notes by M. D. Harris. |
The Eagle and the Phoenix | Sheila Woolf | 2020 | Coventry Stories for Young People. |
Earlsdon & Chapelfields Explored | David Fry & Albert Smith | 2011 | Part of the Coventry We Have Lost series. |
Earlsdon: Take Two | Richard Sadler and Nancy Upshall | 1986 | Photographs, Drawings, Paintings. |
The Early History of Coventry | R. H. C. Davis | 1976 | Dugdale Society Occasional Papers - No. 24. |
The Early Records of Medieval Coventry | Peter R. Coss | 1986 | |
Echoes of the Coventry Blitz | Gerry van Tonder | 2018 | |
Elephants of Coventry | Scott Duffin with Adam Wood | 2023 | A visual history of the city. |
Engineering the Development of Coventry | Brian Redknap | 2004 | Pamphlet No. 26 in the 'Coventry and County Heritage' Series. |
The Excavations at Broadgate East, Coventry 1974-75 | Margaret Rylatt and Michael A. Stokes | 1996 | |
Excavations at St. Anne's Charterhouse, Coventry 1968-87 | Iain Soden | 1995 | |
Excavations at the Cathedral and Benedictine Priory of St. Mary, Coventry | Brian Hobley F.S.A. | 1971 | Historical Survey by M. W. Lambert. |
Far Gosford Street: Historical Notes | Coventry City Council | 2000 | Text & Layout by Mark Singlehurst. |
Finds from the Free Grammar School at the Whitefriars, Coventry, c1545 - c1557/58 | Charmian Woodfield | 1981 | |
For So Long As the World Shall Endure | Michael Orton | 2019 | The 500 Year History of Bond's and Ford's Almshouses. |
Forgotten Foleshill | David Fry & Albert Smith | 2017 | (Including Longford, Bell Green, Hawkesbury, Alderman's Green & Stoney Stanton Road.) Part of the Coventry We Have Lost series. |
Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths in Coventry | David McGrory | 2004 | |
Foxe's Book of Martyrs | John Foxe | 1913 | |
Francis Frith's West Midlands | Frith Book Co. | 2000 | Photographs from the Francis Frith collection. |
Frank Whittle: Invention of the Jet | Andrew Nahum | 2004 | |
The Future Coventry | Coventry Corporation | 1945 | Some proposals and suggestions for the Physical Reconstruction and Planning of the City of Coventry. |
George Eliot | Kathleen Adams | 2002 | Pitkin Guide. |
George Eliot's Coventry | Alice Lynes | 1970 | A provincial town in the 1930s and 1840s. A paper read at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, 28th November 1969. |
Godiva of Coventry | Joan C. Lancaster | 1967 | |
Godiva Rocks | Pete Chambers | 2004 | The ultimate guide to Coventry music, old and new. |
Godiva's Heritage: Coventry's Industry | David Fry & Albert Smith | 1997 | |
Going to It! Depicting Fun in the Factory (If Any) | Van Art | 1942 | Cartoon illustrations of the 'average working man' in the factory during wartime. |
The Golden Years: The Hippodrome Theatre Coventry | Michael J. Newman | 1995 | |
Guide to Coventry (and Surrounding District) | Coventry City Council | 1959 | |
Guide to Coventry Cathedral | Provost R. T. Howard | 1954 | |
A Guide to the Buildings of Coventry | George Demidowicz | 2003 | |
Guide to the Historic City of Coventry | Jarrold Publishing | 2000 | |
A Harvest of History: The life and work of J. B. Shelton | Margaret Rylatt & Mary Montes | 1998 | 2nd Edition - 1st was 1982. |
Haunted Coventry | David McGrory | 2005 | |
Hidden Histories: Coventry Jewish Watchmakers | Mark Johnson | 2023 | With foreword by Professor Emerita Gillian Hundt. |
Hill's Street Guide of Coventry - With Map | Hill's | 1936 | |
Historic England: Coventry | David McGrory | 2017 | Unique Images from the Archives of Historic England (Historic England Series). |
Historic Towns: Coventry | Joan C. Lancaster | 1974 | Part of the 'Historic Towns' series. |
The History & Antiquities of Warwickshire | Sir William Dugdale et al. | 1817 | Being a Concise Topographical Description of the Different Towns and villages in the County of Warwick... (Based on Dugdale's original 1656 'Antiquities'.) |
History and Antiquities of the City of Coventry | William Reader | 1810 | From the Earliest Authentic Period to the Present Time: Comprehending, a Description of the Antiquities, Public Buildings, Remarkable Occurrences, &c. |
History in our Hands | Peter Walters | 1989 | An Evening Telegraph publication. |
A History of Coventry | David McGrory | 2003 | |
The History of Coventry | Benjamin Poole | 1852 | Being a concise account of the Ancient Institutions, Customs & Public Buildings of the City, and a Complete Epitome of Modern Changes. |
A History of Coventry | David McGrory | 2022 | Expanded edition of the 2003 original, reprinted in paperback. |
The History of Coventry's Textile Industry | Levi Fox M.A. F.R.Hist.S | 1944 | |
The History of St. Mary's Hall, Coventry | Raymond G. Holl | 1989 | |
The History of Stoke | Rev. T. A. Blythe. D.D. | 1897 | In the Parliamentary Boundary of the City of Coventry. |
A History of the Blue Coat School and the Lych Gate Cottages, Coventry | George Demidowicz | 2000 | |
History of Warwickshire | Sam Timmins | 1889 | Part of the 'Popular County Histories' series. |
The House in the Park | Stoke Park Local History Group | 1995 | The Story of Stoke Park School. |
Humorous Reminiscences of Coventry Life | T. W. Whitley | 1888 | Incorporating 'Coventry Coaching' and other papers. |
The Illustrated History of Coventry's Suburbs | David McGrory | 2003 | |
Illustrative Papers on the History and Antiquities of the City Of Coventry | Thomas Sharpe | 1871 | From original and mostly unpublished documents. Carefully reprinted from an original copy, with corrections, additions, and a brief memoir of the author by William George Fretton. |
Images of England: Coventry | Geoff Barwick | 2005 | |
Images of England: The City of Coventry | Graham Kempster | 2004 | |
Incident Closed | Phil Consadine | 1991 | An illustrated history of The Fire Service in Coventry. |
The Industrial Revolution in Coventry | John Prest | 1960 | |
Industry and Social Change in nineteenth-century Coventry | Frances Diana Warr | 2020 | |
The IRA Coventry Explosion of 1939 | Letitia Fairfield, C.B.E., M.D. | 1953 | The Trial of Peter Barnes and Others. |
J. J. Ward's Warwickshire 1905 to 1935 | Geoff Barwick | 2009 | |
The Jimmy Hill Story: My Autobiography | Jimmy Hill | 1998 | |
The John Gulson Story | John E. Short | 1978 | |
King George V's Silver Jubilee 1910 - 1935 | Stephen King-Hall for Coventry City Council | 1935 | To the Boys and Girls of Coventry. |
King Henry VIII School 1545 - 1945 | G. L. Marson & F. H. Metcalf | 1945 | |
Know Your Coventry | Abe Jephcott | 1947 | One hundred questions and answers concerning Coventry. |
Lady Godiva | Daniel Donoghue | 2003 | A Literary History of the Legend. |
Life & Labour in a 20th Century City | Bill Lancaster & Tony Mason | 1986 | The experience of Coventry. |
Life in an Old English Town | Mary Dormer Harris | 1898 | |
The Lion and the Stars | Peter Burden | 1990 | A History of Bablake School, Coventry. |
The Little History of Coventry | Peter Walters | 2019 | |
The London Road Cemetery, Coventry | Coventry City Development Directorate | 1996 | An exhibition commissioned by the Conservation and Landscape Team. |
Lost Coventry | David McGrory | 2022 | |
Making the Best of Things | The Women's Research Group | 2007 | Life during the war years. |
The Marques of Coventry: A History of the City's Motor Industry | Brian Long | 1990 | |
Mary Dormer Harris: The Life and Works of a Warwickshire Historian | Jean Field | 2002 | |
The Meaning of the Street Names of Coventry | Margaret Smedley | 2000 | |
Medieval Coventry: A City Divided? | University of Warwick Open Studies | 1981 | Coventry & Warwickshire Pamphlet No. 11. |
Memories of Coventry | Alton Douglas | 1987 | |
The Men Who Ruled Coventry 1725-1780 | M. J. Hinman | 1988 | Coventry & Warwickshire Historical Association Pamphlet No. 14. |
Methodist Central Hall: Silver Jubilee 1932-1957 | Various | 1957 | |
Moments in Time | Coventry Watch Museum Project Limited | 1995 | |
Moonlight Sonata | Arrangement by Tim Lewis | 1990 | Accounts of the Coventry Blitz 14th/15th November 1940. |
More Coventry Cameos | Eric B. Bramwell | 1978 | |
Most Secret War | R. V. Jones | 1978 | British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945. |
The Motor Car Industry in Coventry since the 1890's | David Thoms and Tom Donnelly | 1985 | |
Much Park Street, Coventry: The Development of a Medieval Street | Susan M. Wright | 1987 | Excavations 1970-74. Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society: Transactions for 1982, Volume 92. |
Municipal Exhibition 1945 | Coventry Corporation | 1945 | Official Souvenir Handbook for the Exhibition held at the Drill Hall 28th May to 8th June 1945 to celebrate 600 years of Incorporation. |
My Life as a Blue Coat Girl | Ivy Hylands | 2007 | Includes on page 38 a photograph of Holy Trinity Church taken by our son, Steven. |
The Mystery of the Coventry Cappers | Peter King | 2000 | |
The New Coventry Cathedral | Provost R. T. Howard | 1952 | Contains Basil Spence's early drawings of the proposed cathedral. |
New Coventry Guide | William Reader | 1824 | Containing 'The History and Antiquities of that City' from the Earliest Authentic Period to the Present Time. |
The New Historical and Descriptive Guide to Coventry | Benjamin Poole | 1847 | Being a concise account of its Ancient Institutions, Customs, and Public Buildings, and an Epitome of Modern Changes to the Present Time. |
A Night in Little Park Street | J. B. Shelton M.B.E. | 1950 | John Bailey Shelton's personal account of the Coventry Blitz. |
Nostalgic Coventry | True North Books Limited | 1999 | |
The November Raid - The Bombing of Coventry 1940 | David Rimmer | 1990 | Compiled by David Rimmer, the City Archivist. |
Official Guide to St. Mary's Hall | Joan Cadogan Lancaster M.A. (Lond.), A.L.A. | 1948 | |
Old Coventry | Florence Weston | 1916 | Containing Twenty-Four Original Sketches by Florence Weston. |
Old Coventry | Levi Fox | 1939 | Articles compiled by Levi Fox from magazine "The Loudspeaker" (Date is approximate.) |
Old Coventry | Graham Pountney | 1975 | A project compiled from written research by Miss A. Baker, Mrs. B. Beamont, Mrs. E. Castle, Mrs. J. Chaston, Mr. G. Cowley, Mrs. R. Mio, Mrs. M. Parkinson and Mr. G. Pountney. |
Old Coventry | Unknown | 1929 | Published by Alfred Herbert Ltd. |
Old Coventry and Lady Godiva | F. Bliss Burbidge | 1952 | Being some flowers of Coventry history gathered and arranged. |
Old Tapestry in St. Mary's Hall at Coventry | George Scharf, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. | 1856 | Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries. |
Operation Moonlight Sonata | Allan W. Kurki | 1995 | The German Raid on Coventry. |
Our... Bulldog Spirit! | Vicky Ulliott | 2015 | The heart-warming story of a Coventry family's life, love and loss, in the aftermath of the blitz. |
Phoenix at Coventry: The Building of a Cathedral | Basil Spence | 1962 | |
Pioneers to Power | John A. Yates | 1950 | The story of the ordinary people of Coventry. |
Portrait of Coventry | E. B. Newbold | 1972 | |
Red Lane Reminiscences | Red Lane Old Residents Association | 1983 | |
Reprint from Coventry (Illustrated) Up-To Date | Commissioned by Hughes & Co. Wine and Spirit Merchants | 1894 | Views and Reviews, 25 pages. (Date approximate.) |
The Rest of Me Bleeding Life | Derek Haughton | 2014 | Part 2 of the autobiography of a haemophiliac. |
Rock's Royal Coventry Cabinet Album | Rock Brothers Limited, London | 1890 | (Date is approximate.) |
Rover: The First Ninety Yeas | Eric Dymock | 1993 | One of Britain's Fine Cars. |
The Rudge Book of the Road | Rudge-Whitworth | 1927 | A guide to touring, camping, and competing on a Rudge motorcycle. |
Ruined and Rebuilt | Provost R. T. Howard | 1962 | |
Secret Coventry | David McGrory | 2015 | |
See You On Broadgate | James Edward Armer | 1988 | A Coventry Experience - November 14-15th 1940. |
Sent from Coventry | Bud Paul | 1987 | |
Sent to Coventry | George Hodgkinson | 1970 | |
Shakespeare the Player: A Life in the Theatre | John Southworth | 2000 | |
Shakespeare's Land | C. J. Ribton-Turner | 1893 | First Edition. |
A Short History of Rover | Rover - British Leyland UK Limited | 1973 | (Date is approximate.) |
The Sky Blues | Derek Henderson | 1968 | The Story of Coventry City F.C. |
Some Manors, Churches and Villages of Warwickshire | Mary Dormer Harris | 1937 | |
Souvenir of Coventry | 1920 | From the 'Seal of Artistic British Excellence' Series. (Date approximate.) | |
Souvenir of the Humber Jubilee Convention, September 1950 | Rootes Group | 1950 | |
Spon End: A Local Guide | Marijn Nieuwenhuis, Aya Nassar and Carol Leach | 2019 | |
Spon Street & Spon End | John Ashby | 2003 | A detailed account of 200 years of everyday life in two of Coventry's oldest thoroughfares. |
The St. Mary's Hall Coventry Tapestry | Mark Web (Editor) | 2024 | Weaving The Threads Together. |
St. Mary's Hall, Coventry | Joan C. Lancaster CBE FSA | 1981 | Edited version of the 1948 original. |
St. Michael's Church Past & Present | A. J. Brookes | 1905 | Also a Brief History of Coventry with Photographs. (Date approximate.) |
St. Michael's Coventry | George Demidowicz and Heather Gilderdale | 2015 | The Rise and Fall of the Old Cathedral. |
The Story of Coombe Abbey | D. L. Motkin | 1961 | Published by The House Committee of Coombe Abbey and printed by The General Electric Company Ltd of England at Telephone Works, Coventry. |
The Story of Coventry | Mary Dormer Harris | 1911 | Part of the 'Mediaeval Towns' series. |
The Story of Coventry | Peter Walters | 2014 | |
The Story of Lady Godiva | A. Mitchell Smith | 1950 | |
The Story of the Destruction of Coventry Cathedral | Provost R. T. Howard | 1941 | Brief 15 page account of the night of the blitz. |
The Story of Whitefriars | City of Coventry Leisure Services | 1990 | |
Swing 'em Fair | David McGrory | 1999 | Coventry's darker side. |
Sydney Bunney's Coventry: Impressions of a Graceful City | Keith Draper | 1999 | Coventry Newspapers Ltd. |
A Tale of Three Spires | Norman Clark | 1981 | Devised by Norman Lissaman, written by Norman Clark, illustrated by Alan Firth. |
The Third Spire | Alan Munden | 1991 | A history of Christ Church. Pamphlet No. 17 in the 'Coventry and County Heritage' Series. |
A Thousand Years of Coventry Pubs | John Ashby, Fred Luckett and David McGrory | 2014 | A detailed and fascinating account of a millennium of Coventry's pubs, breweries and beerhouses. |
Through the Eyes of a Coventry Child 1939 - 1945 | Ann Harris | 2005 | |
True as Coventry Blue | Iain Soden (Editor) | 2000 | Papers presented to Margaret Rylatt (City Archaeologist, 1973-2000). |
True as Coventry Blue | Mary Hulton | 2000 | Pamphlet No. 21 in the 'Coventry and County Heritage' Series. |
True as Coventry Blue: The History of Coventry Police 1836 - 1914 | Karen Sheppard | 2000 | |
Van Art's Sketch Book - Paging All Sportsmen | Van Art | 1946 | Designed, Drawn and Published by Van Art. |
Veterans' Voices | Caroline Freeman-Cuerden | 2005 | |
The Victoria History of the County of Warwick | University of London Institute of Historical Research | 1969 | Volume VIII: Coventry & Warwick. |
The Victoria History of the County of Warwick | University of London Institute of Historical Research | 1965 | Volume II: Warwickshire, reprinted from the original edition of 1908. |
Vilem Tausky, CBE FGSM, 1910-2004 | The Dvorak Society for Czech and Slovak music | 2010 | Musician, composer, conductor and teacher, who was with the Field Ambulance during Coventry's blitz. |
The Visitors Centre: Coventry Cathedral | Coventry Cathedral | 1984 | Official souvenir brochure and guidebook including hologram and treasury guides. |
The Walls of Coventry | Eileen Gooder, Charmian Woodfield and Raymond E. Chaplin | 1966 | Reprinted form the Transactions of the Birmingham Archaeological Society, Vol. 81. 1966. |
Walsgrave Remembered | Walsgrave Community History Project | 1987 | The project team comprised: Mr. C. Baines, Mr. R. Davis, Miss L. Goddard, Mrs. A. Marlow & Mr. D. McGrory. |
Warwickshire | Painted by Fred Whitehead, Described by Clive Holland | 1906 | |
The Watchmaker's Revenge | Adam Wood | 2021 | The incredible true story of murder, suicide and insanity in Victorian Coventry. |
The West Window at Coventry Cathedral | English Counties Periodicals Ltd. | 1963 | |
The Wharncliffe Companion to Coventry | David McGrory | 2008 | An A to Z of local history. |
What Are Yer? Bleeder! | Derek Haughton | 2012 | Part 1 of the autobiography of a haemophiliac. |
Wheels Within Wheels | Geoffrey Williamson | 1966 | The story of the Starleys of Coventry. |
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