Henry VIII James I


1605 Living History & the Gunpowder Plot

From 2005 until 2011 the 1605 Living History Society presented hands on Tudor period educational workshops, using the lessons of the Gunpowder Plot to help to bring about a better understanding of our differences, and promote political, racial, and religious tolerance.

Although no longer operating, the information they imparted via these web-pages was of great value, so I have incorporated it into my Historic Coventry site so that visitors can still benefit from their knowledge.

Some History behind the Gunpowder Plot Plot
Elements of Tudor Life Elements of Tudor Life
Coventry & Coombe Coventry & Coombe

The majority of the work was conceived and written by Joy Stanton and John Russell, with contributions from Eric Hodgkins, Margaret Annetts, Sophie Matthews, Chris Green and myself.


Main page | Plot history | Elements of Tudor life | Coventry & Coombe | Historic Coventry

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