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Dorothy Hancock at the G.E.C. and at a street party

By an extremely good stroke of fortune, Barbara Hancock was browsing this site and noticed the mystery portrait of a mother with her child on Julie Stevenson's collection of unknown portraits. It didn't take Barbara long to realise that she was, in fact, looking at her own husband, Raymond, as a little boy with his mother, Dorothy Hancock.
Barbara and Raymond are two Hillfields kids - Raymond being brought up in Vernon Street and Barbara being born in Queen Street and brought up in Spencer Street.

Dorothy Hancock Dorothy Hancock.
Click on this super picture of a street party to zoom into a much larger version, where you will be able to spot Barbara's mother in law, Dorothy, at the back on the right with baby Raymond in her arms.
Update: 12th Jan 2021 I'm delighted to say that I've been written to by Mary White, to tell us that she thinks the two blond haired girls in the centre of the picture above are twins, May and June Langdon, who lived in Vernon Street.
Update: 10th Mar 2021 More fabulous news from Mark Sallis, who like to share with us that the young blond girl in the middle of the photo is his mother-in-law, June, with her late twin sister on the other side of the taller girl.

Dorothy Hancock in the plating room at the Helen Street branch of the G.E.C. At the bottom of Julie Stevenson's page is another fine photograph taken at, we believe, the Stoke Works G.E.C.

Please contact me if you have further details to add.

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