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1918 Team photo - but which team?

Angela Bolton is trying to find out which club is in this photograph, which her husband's ancestor played in. On the back of the photo it says "May 1918" and they are all wearing some kind of uniform with initials on their tunics. Angela thinks it might be a Girl Guides or Netball Team.

1918 team photo

Angela would like to add these details to help work out who they are....

"The dark haired girl, far right at the back, is my husband's ancestor, EDITH SARAH BOLTON. She was born in 1898 in Witney, Oxfordshire, but was living in Coventry by 1911. You can see an initial on their "uniform" and they are wearing some sort of medal? On the back of the photo it says "MAY 1918", so that's all we know. Edith Sarah had a son called DESMOND CALLAGHAN who played for ENGLAND SCHOOLBOYS RUGBY CLUB at Rugby, and who got killed aged 15 in WWII. I would be really interested to know what club is it, and what the initials were on their dresses. And of course, if anyone recognises anyone, that would be a bonus too!"

So, if you can help, please write to me so I can help Angela with this family photographic mystery.

Update 17th May 2014

Andy Walters has written to me with some great information relevant to this photo. He located this website: www.canadiangreatwarproject.com - and has this to say:

"Note that it says 'Att CCRC from 3 May 1918 through 1 June 1918', and the photo link below says 'Taken in September 1918 while on leave in Coventry England'. This may be refer to some military/medical training facility in Coventry. Hope this helps."

It certainly does help a lot Andrew, many thanks.

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1918 Team photo - but which team?
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