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1. 1918 Team photo - but which team?
2. Albert Edward Wright, police and military man
3. Are these the Rover factory steps?
4. Bus Driver, Alfred Heath
5. Car Factories
6. Church Lads' Brigade
7. Courthouse Green School 1952-53
8. Coventry Assistants' Cricket Club, 1905 Season
9. Did you shop here?
10. Do you recognise anyone in this photo?
11. Dorothy Hancock at the G.E.C. and at a street party
12. Family Studio Portraits
13. Football Team Photo
14. Hare & Hounds, Keresley
15. Herbert Chapman's Football & Rugby Teams
16. Highbury Ladies Physical Culture Club, 1920
17. Holbrooks/Keresley group photos - recognise anyone?
18. Horse-drawn Outing
19. Julie Stevenson's collection of unknown portraits
20. Keresley VE Day street parties - recognise people & places?
21. Ladies from the G.E.C. in the Precinct
22. Leamington Ales
23. Lena Conway and friends
24. Lester and Harris factory Netball Team
25. The Linnett family at work, church and play
26. Local BBC Radio photo mystery - Find Cheeky!
27. Motorcycling trophies?
28. Percy Lewis' Pub
29. Recognise any people or places in these photos?
30. Small Workforce Photo
31. St. Joseph's Convent
32. St. Michael's choir c1906
33. Where are the Godiva Harriers?
34. Where were these wartime photos taken?
(Partially solved)
35. Who are all these children outside the Munition Cottages?
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Historic Stoke, Coventry
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Website by Rob Orland © 2002 to 2025