------------ 2011 ------------ December 2011 29th Lorraine Clarke's memories of her family's involvement with the Dunlop Rugby Union Club 28th The Forum Gallery can now link to external web-galleries 26th Forum Gallery 'thumbnail' images now cropped square for a more consistent look 26th The existence of comments is now indicated for each image in the Forum Gallery 24th Comments can now be made on Forum Images 23rd Members of the Forum can now opt to remain logged in for 30 days 20th Image ordering now possible on the Forum Gallery 17th If any forum member now changes their username, their forum messages, edits, gallery names, images and profile will now all be automatically aligned 16th Multiple image editing now possible on the Image Gallery 15th The Image Gallery now shows 'Last updated' for each category 11th The 'upload' feature now remembers your log-in state on the Image Gallery 11th Images in the Gallery can no longer be 'hot-linked' by another website 11th Galleries, sub-categories or individual images can now be selected for public or private viewing on the Image Gallery 10th Forum members can now select to have their galleries public or private on the Image Gallery 9th New Image Gallery added for the use of forum members November 2011 26th Forum members can now view their own edited posts from their profile 13th Improvements made to linking of J. B. Shelton's history articles 10th Added a list of Coventry Pubs in 1912 6th Help animation included for adding images to the Forum October 2011 27th Forum navigation enhancements - Can now move from topic to topic using links at foot of page 15th Paper written by Canon Kenyon Wright explaining the Icelandic saga and the Coventry stained glass 15th New "now and then" comparing the Old Cathedral in 1955 and 2011 on Steven's website September 2011 30th Linda Moore's school memories added to the Courthouse Green page 20th David McGrory's new book 'Coventry: Then & Now' listed in book reviews 17th New memory page 'Coventry remembered', by Andrew Ross added 1st Amalgamated the original 1605 Living History website into Historic Coventry 1st More Forum navigation enhancements - Message order preference now remembered 1st Navigation enhancements on the Forum (Go to most recent post) August 2011 21st Slight navigation enhancements to the Forum 21st Catherine Binns (formerly Harrop) remembers attending St. Joseph's Convent 19th Improve your computer skills course added to the forum 15th Forum login improvement - now remembers which page you were going to 1st More memories from Jan Mayo.... Winter before central-heating in Hillfields July 2011 28th Titles and messages can now be retrospectively edited on the Forum 22nd Lionel Bird tells us all about Herbert Chapman's Football Teams 14th Improved page navigation on the Forum 12th Gunpowder Plot & Tudor period crossword added 12th Gunpowder Plot questions added to the quiz 8th Additional photo and information about St. Joseph's Convent 3rd 'Smilies' added to the Forum June 2011 16th Fireman Frank Walduck, remembered by his son, Peter 9th Improved system for selecting new or old profile images on the Forum 9th Improved 'Doom' images on the Trinity Church page 7th Added a List of Vicars of St. Michael's Church & Cathedral 6th Improved index and layout for the list of Coventry's Bishops 5th Improved index and layout for the list of Coventry's Mayors May 2011 31st 1861 Engraving of St. Michael's Tower and Spire added 20th Personal profile images can now be added on the Forum 20th Further corrections to the 1968 street map 17th Alan Goulden added to the growing number of former pupils on the Courthouse Green School page 9th Updated (2010) photograph of Broadgate showing a tent-free area 9th 1968 street map altered to show the correct progress of the Ring Road at that time 3rd Tinkered with the page header - Coat of Arms logos now act as homepage links March 2011 21st New street-map feature: CREATE YOUR OWN OVERLAYS 12th The family tale of Mayor John Moseley added to the Blitz section 5th More recollections of Shuttle Street children's home on the Courthouse Green School page February 2011 27th New photographic mystery to solve... Herbert Chapman's Football & Rugby Teams 25th Rearrangement of City Wall & Cathedrals pages and menus 22nd Reorganised and automated the Now & Then, Engravings and Broadgate page menus 6th 8 page article A PLAN FOR THE CITY CENTRE from the 21-3-1941 Architect and Building News ------------ ^ 2011 ^ ------------ 2010 ------------ December 2010 27th Proposal for St. Michael's Campanile c1890 article added 21st New article New Drinking Fountain at Coventry 17th September 1859 21st New Bablake Schools 1889 article added 6th Image upload feature added to the Forum November 2010 25th More recollections of the Courthouse Green School class photo 24th Small amount of information about the demolition of city gates added 23rd The Willenhall memories of Josie Lisowski-Love 20th Are these the Rover factory steps? - a new mystery to solve 17th New set of 1940s and 1950s memories, by Rod Joyce 17th Update to the Where is Lena Conway? photo mystery 1st New 1897 article - Sixty Years of Cycling October 2010 31st An amusing school anecdote added to Keith Longmore's memories 19th A link added to another great song about the Blitz 8th Jan Mayo's memories of Growing up in Hillfields 7th A positive response to the The Hare & Hounds 'mystery' photograph September 2010 30th More nostalgic photographs by Brian Rowstron to enjoy 29th Valentine's postcard dating calculator added 21st Another pupil recalls being in the Courthouse Green School class photo 8th A response to the The Hare & Hounds photograph 2nd Link added to the City Wall page to a video tour by Ben Glass 1st A new photographic mystery to solve at The Hare & Hounds, Kereseley August 2010 28th New Now and Then pairing updated for Jordan Well & Earl Street 28th More information about the Church Lads' Brigade from Arthur Davis 7th Another photo mystery to solve - the Lester and Harris factory Netball Team 7th St. Michael's choir c1910 - new photo mystery to solve 4th Remaining ruins of City Wall added to 1807 & 1851 street maps 3rd City Wall remains added to 1749 street map plus minor corrections July 2010 20th Large interior photo added featuring Coventry cathedral's stained glass in an Icelandic church 19th Another pupil remembers the Courthouse Green School class 18th Corrections to Pool Meadow area of 1400 map and City Wall map 9th Percy Lewis' pub - mystery solved June 2010 21st Navigation for J. B. Shelton's history articles improved to allow page bookmarking 21st Corrections made to the 1400 & 1610 maps and "City Wall map" around Cheylesmore Gate 6th Additional information and photograph added to Simon Shaw's 1939 IRA bombing article May 2010 11th Orchestral bit updated and new track 11 added to my music page April 2010 15th Another photo and further information added to Simon Shaw's 1939 IRA bombing article 6th Basic toolbar buttons added to the Forum to make adding images and links easier 1st Simon Shaw's 1939 IRA bombing article greatly enlarged and new photo added March 2010 28th New Now and Then pairing for the Old Fire Station 28th Larger photos of Ford Street Art School on the Now and Then page 25th New larger photos of the old Priory Street Swimming Baths Now and Then page 22nd New "now and then" photo pair of Bishop Street and Hales Street corner in 1939 Steven's website 22nd New "now and then" photo of the 1900 flood in Hales Street on Steven's website 15th Another mystery photo to identify - Percy Lewis' pub 12th New feature added to the Forum enabling the quoting of previous messages 9th Forum colour scheme reverted to good old Chocolate & Cream! February 2010 28th Forum colour scheme changed to Sky Blue and created as an independant sub-domain 21st Forum members can now add 'Signatures' to their posts on the Forum 15th Article added on the history of Stoke Park School 13th Overlaid map added to Simon Shaw's 1939 IRA bombing article to show the exact spot where it happened 11th Search facility added to the Forum 9th More Forum functionality added - can now add links & images, and list members' posts 8th More mystery photos to identify, this time at St. Joseph's Convent 6th Some Family Studio Portraits to identify in the Photo mysteries section 6th A new 'Your profile' page added to the Forum so you can list your own posts January 2010 25th A few layout improvements and a Members list added to the Forum 25th Historic Coventry Forum launched 12th The Where is Lena Conway? photo mystery has been solved 10th A new page added containing some of my music compositions 4th Norman Cohen's recollections of shops in Now and Then page of Bishop Street, (And larger photos added) 3rd Information about the Baedeker raids added to the Blitz section. ------------ ^ 2010 ^ ------------ 2009 ------------ December 2009 18th Changed this page! 17th A few more names added to the Courthouse Green School class photo by Jackie Ward 12th Larger photo supplied for the Courthouse Green School page 6th Liz Bayly's memories of the Art School in Ford Street added November 2009 22nd Replaced old Dropped Capitals with newly designed ones 20th Two more nostalgic photos added to the memories of Mike Tyzack 17th List of Coventry's Bishops added to the history section 16th 21 more scenes added to the 1910, 1939 and 1955 "Time Machines" 15th Slight change to homepage coat-of-arms logo display 14th The post-war decades remembered by Mike Tyzack 13th New Hippodrome (Coventry Theatre) added to Now and Then 8th New, more accurate postwar photo taken by Steven Orland for the Now and Then Aerial view of Trinity Street October 2009 19th Leamington Road added to the Now and Then section 19th Two pairs of views of Warwick Road added to Now and Then 16th Discussion of the legitimacy of the bombing methods used over Coventry 11th Correct 'now' view now used for the Wheatley Street Schools Now and Then page 9th Some more photos showing Hertford Street and the spire in the Blitz section 9th Another contribution to the first Photo mystery 8th Added 2009 map to the Maps page 8th Updated aerial view on the Maps page 5th A "now and then" style double-photo of the cathedral ruins added this Blitz page 4th Photo of Peeping Tom being rescued added to the Blitz section 4th More names supplied for the Courthouse Green School photo 2nd Remaining piece of City Wall near Parkside photographed September 2009 27th Prewar and postwar Aerial views of Trinity Street compared in the Now and Then section 26th Prewar and postwar Aerial views of High Street compared in the Now and Then section 19th Mike Spellacy's life experiences added to your memories 15th More memories of the Car factory (in Far Gosford St) added 14th Another Car factory has possibly been identified 8th Even more information added about Courthouse Green School 7th More children identified in the Courthouse Green School class photo 7th The Holy Trinity Church School mentioned in the first Now and then photograph August 2009 17th One of the Car factory photos has been identified 14th Three mystery Car factory photos to be identified 13th Peter Thacker's Humber Works photographs added to "Your memories" 12th Paul Martin's Coventry Memories re-written July 2009 19th 1886 magazine article added - Coventry - The home of the Cycle Trade 14th Snippet of information added about the old hut in the Memorial Park June 2009 28th More memories with Patrick Casey and a schoolboy's fun around town 23rd Additional information added to Postcard to a Monk 12th 1962 photo of helicopter about to lift spire onto the roof of the New Cathedral added 8th Paul Martin's 'Thoughts of a younger Coventrian' added to Your Memories 7th Photos of the Civilian mass grave as it is today added to the Blitz section 5th Pupil located in the Courthouse Green School class photo 5th Made dual menu for Now and Then and Engraved Coventry May 2009 31st 1824 engraving of the Old Grammar School added 27th St. Mary's Guildhall Entrance added to Engraved Coventry 24th Updated photo for city wall at Gulson Road 19th London Daily Graphic article added illustrating the flood of 1900/1901 16th New section introduced - Engraved Coventry 8th Link to Icelandic article about Coventry's old cathedral stained glass 7th Most of the remaining parts of the website validated to XHTML 1.1 1st Mick Billings' memories of Little Park Street & Spon Street added to "Your memories" April 2009 17th Upgraded code on some pages to XHTML 1.1 1st A new large image "Now and Then" Bishop Street, looking south added March 2009 24th Joan Powell's experiences of the Coventry Blitz added to "Your memories" 7th Some extra information added to the City Wall introduction page. February 2009 27th Two more Stained Glass photos from Iceland added to the display 17th More of Keith Longmore's Coventry memories 13th Many more Stained Glass photos from Iceland now on display 10th New memories page - voyage on the Queen Mary with Cecilia Cargill and friends 2nd Old Cathedral Stained Glass page updated with extra information 2nd Bibliography converted to database for easy sorting & viewing January 2009 30th Post-war memories through the eyes of a child by Keith Longmore 19th Memories of Bishop Street and 1930s Coventry by Norman Cohen 10th Some additional information added to the Defending Coventry and myths Blitz pages 1st History Articles category included on the Main Page montage ------------ ^ 2009 ^ ------------
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