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Spon Street flood of 1900
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St. Michael's Avenue

Camera No. 17
Camera No. 17a

Although some of the trees had to be felled to make space for the porch adjoining the New to the Old Cathedral, this is still an attractive view thanks to the thoughtfulness of the inspired architect Basil Spence whilst conceiving his design for entry in the 1950 competition to build a New Cathedral. As we look eastwards, between the slender pillars of the porch can be seen the entrance to Coventry University, formerly Lanchester Polytechnic, across the far side of Priory Street.

if you wish to see the images separately.

In 1910 there was, of course, no university here - travelling eastwards would lead you straight into New Street, a street which appears to have been built to house some of the many tradesmen working on the enlargement of St. Michael's church in the 15th/16th century. Also, on the left as we view the serene avenue from Cuckoo Lane, part of St. Michael's graveyard can be seen through the trees; ground now occupied by the New Cathedral and its chapel of Unity. To the right little seems to have changed, except that daylight now shows through the tracery of the ruined windows where once was stained glass hiding the relative dimness within.

Below can be seen the same lane looking in the other direction towards Holy Trinity Church, pictured in a beautifully atmospheric 1907 postcard from the Priory Street end.

if you wish to see the images separately.

One click on the postcard image will reveal a 2006 view, where old meets new, and thanks to Basil Spence we still have the opportunity to appreciate both - to the left, the memories of a bygone age - to the right, the continuation....

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