John Brown, Jimmy Barnes, Christopher Nanson, Martin Harbin, Brian Wilkins, Richard Bradford, Geoff Green, Jean Clayton, Janet Hughes, Anthony Jamieson, Robert Oliver, Barry Mcfeat, John Perkins, Tony Furnevel, Graham Wilson, Sally Hill, Alan Kirby, Graham Killpack, David Cooper, Roger Francis, Barry Brewer, Anthony Ackerman, Harold Bullens, Doug and Ernest Annals, Valerie Johnson, Janet Eastick, Allan Basset.
My first day at school was sitting next to Tony Jamieson - we went through ten years together, but have never seen him since. I believe he went to Portsmouth and joined the Navy.
We were in the classroom which was on the corner of Bell Green Road and Sewell Highway. The sandpit was outside.
Someone on this website wrote about the terraced houses, and the music teacher. This is correct; her name was Mrs Stafford, and she taught me. That consisted of shouting from the kitchen while cooking her husbands dinner; "Carry on, I am listening". Meanwhile, five or six kids would be waiting for their turn.
Down from there, outside the gate, was a Tuck Shop - Kelsey's. Further down was Bernard's the butcher. My dad plucked chickens for him at Christmas. Beyond that a ladies material / curtain shop - Eileen's. And at the bottom, opposite the Golden Fleece pub (long time gone now), was another shop called Dimloes.
We had swimming lessons at Livingston Road. Never been there since.
My overall memory of the school was not too happy, unlike Caludon Castle, which I loved. Mr. Bailey didn't like me and it showed. I got my own back a bit (to my later cost) by pretending to be ill, to escape this little bully. Unfortunately it meant I fell way behind. It took four years at Caludon to catch up, which I did.
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