ric Over was a Coventry kid who moved to Canada in 1963. He was brought up at Rowleys Green Lane where his gran had a small shop and he remembers sitting on the barrel on his granddad's cart which was used for his "Fruit and Veg" round pulled by his horse as seen in this wonderful image on the left.
A closer look at the rooftops in this photograph reveals the old VHF X-shaped television aerials that were in use during the 1950s.
Later, Eric married Holly, a nurse who trained at Gulson Road hospital before they left for Canada. He still has relatives around the Coventry area and Eric can be seen below on "Topper"!
Eric Over's family were also remembered by Bob Wildman, who tells us;
"The picture of the cart is probably in Farndale Avenue, as that was the start of one of his rounds. His old shop by the Rag & Bone Mill was visited by my brother and sisters as a start to fishing expeditions on the canal, provisions being a bottle of tizer and to scrounge a jam jar. He helped my mother to set up her shop in Roland Avenue in 1953. They were a super family."
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