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Some blitz statistics

Lists of cold, hard statistics can never be the best way to portray such an horrific event as the blitz on Coventry. However, it can sometimes be convenient to see the facts and figures laid out, so that events can be more easily understood.

Statistics for 14th-15th November 1940:

Air-raid timeline

The railways suffered over 100 bomb incidents, but were soon back in action. The railways around Coventry suffered over 100 incidents of bomb damage, but were soon back in action.

Bombing statistics


*This total crept up during the following weeks as several of the seriously wounded died from their injuries. The total figure has never been able to be accurately quoted due to the actual number of people in Coventry that night being uncertain. Many of the people assumed dead had simply left the city for safer accommodation, and many killed were unknown people who had come into Coventry for various reasons.

Although higher total casualties had been seen in London, the relatively smaller population in Coventry meant that each person had actually stood a 60% higher risk of being killed in Coventry that night, than the average anywhere else in the UK during the war.
Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital after the raid.
Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital was not a safe place for a casualties, including a captured German air-crew member, who admitted being "very frightened" by the raid.

Air-raid shelters

Housing & property damage

Public transport

General statistics concerning Coventry's air-raids:

Housing & property rebuilding

Population & evacuation

The Easter 1941 raids

Although the 14th November stands out as the "big raid", there was a particularly heavy pair of raids in April the following year that stood out above all the other smaller raids and took another 451 lives:

Overall air-raid statistics

Please note: The above figures were compiled from several sources, and no two lists of figures agree exactly with each other. Accurate statistics appear to be an extremely difficult thing to achieve, especially in such difficult circumstances as were the case at that time. Most of the statistics, however, can be considered 'close enough' to give a good indication of the problems faced during and after the blitz.

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