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A Coventry Kid's Tale


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Chapter 9: 13 years old

The next night the N.C.O.s came again, but the cadet they wanted to black with shoe polish was not there, the bed was empty. Not to leave empty handed they grabbed the same cadet of the night before and blackened him, a very bad move by the N.C.O.s!!! This cadet refused to clean himself even with threats from the N.C.O.s. All the cadets then joined forces and agreed with the blackened cadet that they would report it if it happened again. Peace was to reign at night from the blackers, the cadets had won a battle!!!
And a last word, the cadet that was missing from his bed? This was the child, for he had guessed it was his turn to be blacked. Where was he? Clinging underneath the bed to the bed springs, it hurt his fingers and toes but not as much as his balls would have done!!!!!!!

The first full day on the camp was a tour of the whole airfield, the cadets were shown around the armoury, hangers, control tower. This took all day as this was a fighter airfield with ENGLISH ELECTRIC LIGHTINGS as their fighter aircraft.

The food on the camp in the canteen was second to none, bacon, sausage, egg, beans (never mind the toast and cornflakes) for breakfast.
Dinner, meats galore, spuds mashed, boiled and roasted with veg, followed by different puddings.
Tea, hot and cold, beans on toast or meat and veg or salad.
Supper, mainly jam and toast.
But seconds and thirds could always be had, which the child duly did !!! The child did not starve this week.
Onto the rifle range next, 25 rounds each with a .303 Lee Enfield rifle. Wicked!!! Next, swimming at the Dundee swimming baths. An instructor asked the child what swimming lessons he had done. The child told the instructor he held two swimming certificates. Upon hearing this the instructor organised for the child to take his third certificate that afternoon. The elusive third swimming certificate was achieved that day by the child. How pleased he was!!!

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