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A Coventry Kid's Tale


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Chapter 9: 13 years old

Back down to the earth the child came when the C.O. said "Church Parade on Sunday". So on Sunday off to church they all marched. Down Swan Lane, round the roundabout, and a short march along Harnall Lane then left into King Edward Road, turning right at the end into Berry Street, then a left into Brook Street, the next right into Yardley Street and marched to the end of the road. Lo and behold, they were in Canterbury Street, outside St. Peters church to be greeted by the vicar Rev. Jones. The smug smile had vanished from the child's face. He was back where he had started.
However this was not too bad for the child as he was used to going to church every week. Church parade was only once a month but he still went to Midnight Mass at Christmas for years.

Back to school the child went... although the child did not know it, it was now time for the 13-plus exam. The child was put forward for this exam but declined to go. Mr. Harris the headmaster sent for the child, so he went to the headmaster's office not knowing what he had done wrong!! The child knocked on the door. "Come in" said the headmaster, in the child went. Mr. Harris asked of the child why he had declined to take the 13plus exam. The child replied that because it was not a written exam, but one where you were asked questions by a board of teachers, he would not be able to reply because of being too shy. (Besides, the child had seen the amount of homework his friend Peter Renwick took home, and the child wanted no part of that). All homework done by the child was in school time in other lessons. The child worked hard for his play time!! Although Mr. Harris tried to talk him into taking the exam for weeks, the child would not change his mind. He liked Freddie's, so Freddie's he was to stay. Caludon Castle school is where he would have gone.

In the playground at break times he started to notice the noises coming from over the wall. There were over 200 girls the other side??????? He was only on the boys side!!!!

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